
You can import trades into your journal from a .CSV file.

Trade import screen

On this screen, you can view a summary of all your previous trade imports. If you wish to delete an import, simply click on the 3-dot menu.

New import

To import trades into your journal, follow these steps:

  1. Select the account where you want to import the trades.
  2. Choose the date format used in the .CSV file you are importing.
  3. Browse your device and select the .CSV file you want to import.
  4. Map the columns in your file to the required column headings.
  5. Once you are satisfied with your mapping, click on the confirm button.
  6. A table will display all the trades that will be imported. Double-check the table to validate your data. Any errors will be highlighted in red, and you will need to fix them in your CSV file before importing again.
  7. Click on the Begin Import button to start importing your trades.

Quick tips

  • To ensure that your CSV file has the correct column headings in the right order, you can download our template CSV file from within your journal.
  • Ensure you have created strategies with matching names or alt-names
  • Save your journal as a CSV file or copy your data into the 'Template CSV File'
  • Each column must have a header
  • You will be able to map your columns to each trade property
  • You will be able to preview the mapped data before starting your import
  • For accurate pip calculations, enter a precise "Open Price", e.g. 0.70000 vs 0.7
  • Choose a Market type from forex, crypto, stock, index or cfd. If no value is entered, forex will be selected by default.
  • Do not include extra formating such as currency symbols e.g. 100.00 vs $100.00